Organisational, Management and Control Model – Legislative Decree 231/2001
Informative document Organisational, Management and Control Model in compliance with Legislative Decree 231/2001
The Board of Directors of Borgosesia S.p.A. decided to develop an Organisational, Management and Control Model suitable to prevent criminal offences as in Legislative Decree of 8 June 2001 n.231 on “Provisions on the administrative liability of legal persons, companies and associations, including those without legal personality, regulated by art. 11 of Law n.300 of 29 September 2000”, which introduced Entities’ liability before criminal courts. Our company deemed that the adoption of the Organisational, Management and Control Model – although not mandatory yet – may represent a sound tool for growth, especially for what concerns the sensibilisation of Borgosesia S.p.A.’s employees and of all the other stakeholders.
Informative document on the Organisational, Management and Control Model of Borgosesia S.p.A.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct of Borgosesia S.p.A., in its latest version, was approved by the Board of Directors of Borgosesia S.p.A. The document enshrines principles and norms of conduct that enhance corporate decision-making processes and guide recipients’ behaviours. The same document also represents a point of reference in Borgosesia’s activity and in its relations with stakeholders, meaning here those subjects – individuals and organisations – that have significant relations with the Company, which generate specific or generic legitimate interests. The Code of Conduct is an integral part of the Organisational, Management and Control Model of the Company in compliance with Legislative Decree 231/2001.
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