Maurizio Faroni - Borgosesia Spa

Maurizio Faroni



Senior Advisor of international strategic consulting companies and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Sudi Center for Applied Economics (CSEA) of the Catholic University of Milan, Maurizio Faroni holds top management roles in the banking world, in Corporate & Investment Banking and in Wealth Management. He was General Manager of Banco Bpm and Banco Popolare, Deputy General Manager of Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara and Chief Executive Officer of Banca Aletti. He has held positions as Chairman or Director of Directors in numerous companies operating in the field of Corporate & Investment Banking, he was a director of the Italian Banking Association and of the Interbank Deposit Protection Fund from 2017 to 2019, a director of Borsa Italiana from 2000 to 2011 He is the author of publications for specialist journals on economics, business strategy and banking.