Stefano Pedrini - Borgosesia Spa

Stefano Pedrini



Stefano Pedrini is Professor of Business Economics at the Turin Polytechnic and of Fundamentals of Business Economics at the University of Bergamo. He held the chairs of Project Management at the Turin Polytechnic and of Strategic Management at the Engineering Department of the University of Bergamo; he has also taught in the Ownership Structures and Corporate Governance and Business Organization courses at the Milan Polytechnic. He graduated cum laude in Management Engineering and holds a PhD in Economics and Management of Technology. He obtained the qualification of Innovation Manager at the MISE. He has carried out research activities in the field of business strategy, finance and game theory with Italian and international publications. He deals with management consultancy and advisory activities in the area of ​​corporate finance, for listing operations and the issue of bonds. He collaborates as a technical consultant with the Attorney General of the Italian State in the field of damage assessment (financial expertise) in international arbitration procedures ICSID-World Bank. He is a lecturer in numerous academic and executive masters and has carried out specialized training activities for GSE, a concessionaire of the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the energy sector. He is currently a board member with independence requirements of two hi-tech listed companies and a director of the Arco Pension Fund, of which he is also a member of the Finance commission.